
Gratis Tattoos

Published 26 Aug 2016 By Patricia

In recent years, tattoo-style typography has become a big influence on all areas of design – from graphic design and illustration to web and app design and beyond. As a result, there are...

Story highlights248 Lexington, Kentucky, residents will be tattooed with lines from the same poemPoet Bianca Spriggs says she crafted the poem as a love letter to LexingtonThe Lexington Tattoo...

Don't Miss David Blaine dazzles Drake, Beckham and Arnie on C4 David Blaine dazzles Drake, Beckham and Arnie on C4 Share November 03 2016 10:57 PM Seeing double? David Beckham meets his own...

‹›So wird eine hässliche Narbe zu etwas Schönem Nächstes foto› Alle Fotos: FacebookTwitterPinterestAuf Facebook teilen Die junge brasilianische Tattoo-Künstlerin Flavia Carvalho ist...

Täglich, auf der ganzen Welt, werden Frauen Opfer von körperlicher oder sexueller Gewalt. Meist kennen sie die Täter, es sind ihre Partner, Väter oder Onkel. Allein in Deutschland erfährt...

– Dette har vært et år hvor vi har måttet ofre mye og jobbet veldig hardt. Prøvd å bygge dette stedet opp. Men det har vært et bra år, som har levd opp til forventningene våre. Vi...

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